Welcome to SimpleHW webinars

Here we share with you the latest industry updates, announcing our products and starting the IoT conversation about sales, use cases and plenty more.

Audience: Sales, technical pre-sales, support, Sigfox Operators and integrators, IoT platforms. Technical level: intermediate

Format: 30 mins presentation + 15 mins Questions & Answers session 

Introduction to the critical part of the sales processes

7 biggest mistakes in IoT sales and how to avoid them.

What is IoT about? Qualification criteria, discovery depth, and proper pilots definition in Sigfox use cases. 

How to sell Sigfox solutions? Best practices & solutions.

Sigfox Explore webinar. How to market Sigfox Solutions? Best practices & use cases to sell right now by Simple Hardware.

Simple Hardware embedded solutions

Smallest hardware platform to embed into your existing solutions. Leveraging existing 60 modes and support of API6 and more

Ingredients of successful IoT sales

From a pilot to the final delivery. Why no IoT should start with a pilot. If it's a pilot, what are the critical components?

In IoT Lego boxes we trust.

Why we don't do end-to-end solutions and the role of partnets in the Sigfox ecosystem. Do you like LEGO? What do you buy?

Top IoT use cases for Covid-19, SimpleHW & MerciYanis

Speakers: Pavel Sodomka, CEO at SimpleHW

Jordan Gayraud, COO & Co-founder.

Learn more  

Sigfox technologies

Sigfox devices travelling. Is Monarch technology usable?

What is Sigfox Monarch? Is Monarch technology usable? How to switch the emitter between radio zones. When to listen to Monarch? Physical options to port detecting.

Why do we all need to use CheckFox and what's so special about it?

The outstanding features of the CheckFox device, its hardware, firmware, dashboard and updates of 2.0 version.

Sigfox coverage

What you always wanted to know and were afraid to ask? What is unique about Sigfox? What are coverage maps? Coverage commitments.

What coverage you should get and ask for worldwide?

Vertical use cases

Legionella monitoring solution with SimpleHW

In this webinar, we will explain to you how to monitor water temperature with a SimplePack device and prevent legionella.

Why IoT is so crucial for insurance companies?

We showcase all the key benefits of IoT for insurance companies, present SWOT analysis and provide real-life use cases.

Can you replace GPS by better WiFi or Atlas localisation services?

How can you improve your logistics processes using SimpleHW devices? Sigfox Atlas, Sigfox WiFi, default WiFi, Precision WiFi

Cold chain monitoring with SimpleHW device

In this webinar we showcase how to use SimpleHW devices and IO Frog platform for cold chain monitoring solution worldwide.

Advantages of Sigfox based cold chain monitoring.

Is your cheese at the correct temperature? Advantages of Sigfox based cold chain monitoring.

Introduction to sensors for any salesman

Introduction to physical sensors and how do they work in IoT

Accelerometer, temp and humidity meters, magnetometers, reed contact, light sensor, CO2, GPS, WiFi Atlas, WiFi Google, and WiFi high precisions.

Smart ways to control devices and get data from them

IO Frog - probably the best IoT platform for Sigfox

Full Sigfox API2 support. Full Monarch support. Native Google Android and Apple IoS applications. What are you missing?

Geolocation services of IO Frog platform

How the platform operates with geolocation services, how to set up the location sources in settings, demonstrate tracking dashboards and other useful features.

A white-label solution in IO Frog platform for you and your clients.

Learn all the possibilities of customized branding with IO Frog, branded mobile apps. Quick and effective set-up, real-life customer stories and more.

SimpleHW API6. Why is it revolutionary?

What can be achieved using just 12 Bytes in uplink and 8 Bytes in downlink? Why are there 60 different modes (business cases) programmed in SimplePack?

The new IO Frog 2.0 release

IO Frog is launching IOFrog 2.0. Please register for the webinar here to see a sneak preview of what to expect.